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  • Breaking News

    In the kingdom of a king, 1 man used to sell bread. The only bread seller.

    In the kingdom of a king, 1 man used to sell bread. The only bread seller.

    One day he went to the king and said: 'Sir, I have been selling bread for 5 rupees for many years. Now I want to increase the price to 10 rupees. If you allow it!' The king said, 'Yes, the price of bread is 30 rupees from tomorrow!' The shopkeeper said, 'No sir, I will have 10 taka!' The king said, 'Shut up! And I will not tell anyone that I asked to raise the price!' The breadwinner went back happily. The price of his bread from the next day is 30 rupees! Protest across the state! The people got angry and appealed to the king, 'Lord, save us! This is unfair! If bread of 5 rupees is 30 rupees, what will we eat!' The king shouted, 'Bring the bread man! This injustice is unacceptable!' Then he announced that from tomorrow the price of bread will be halved (means 15 taka!). The whole state fell blessed blessed! Just because there was such a king! If not, what would happen to the people! The king now calls the bread owner and says that you will deposit the remaining 5 taka of 10 taka in my royal treasury. Happy with bread seller!
    People are happy! The king is happy! 🙄

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